Doing a media interview can elevate your career or name. But say the wrong thing, and you can also be criticized or go viral.

So, here are a few tips for avoiding embarrassing gaffes:


1) Get the details

The first thing you need to do is find out who will be asking you questions. If you’re unfamiliar with your interviewer, it’s a good idea to at least Google them and read some of their work. If they tend to write about a certain topic or industry more often than others, learn as much as you can about those subjects ahead of time. This way, if those topics come up in your interview, you’ll be able to provide thoughtful answers.

Additionally, there are some journalists who are known for being more laid back and humorous, others are very serious, knowing the interview style of the journalist will help you deliver your remarks in a way that is appropriate for the platform.

Find out if the interview will be live or taped, if it is on camera or just audio, if there is a chance to re-record answers if you make a mistake. By knowing the details about the format of the interview, you are less likely to make mistakes.


2) Prepare a few answers

The best way to avoid making a mistake in a media interview is by preparing your answers beforehand. This doesn’t mean practicing them word-for-word; it means understanding what you want to say and having thought about potential questions that might come up in your interview.

Preparation ensures that you won’t be at a loss for words.


3) Last tips

Use basic language with most general media outlets, this will help ensure your message is received and understood by everyone—even those who don’t have a background in your industry. 

Keep in mind that whenever you have a mic on, your voice could be picked up or recorded, and never go into a bathroom with a microphone!


Want to learn more? Check out this blog post about what to do if your mind goes blank during an interview, or you can always book a media coaching session through our Learning Center.