Getting media coverage is exciting, but proper preparation is key to making the most of your opportunity. Here are some essential tips to help you get ready:

Preparation Tips for a Successful Media Interview

DON’T: Memorize paragraphs or sentences.

DO: Focus on understanding key statistics, figures, and trends within your area of expertise.

  • Stay Informed: Read up on the latest news and scholarly articles related to the topic you’ll be discussing. This will help you speak confidently and provide relevant insights.

  • Know Your Interviewer: Watch, read, or listen to a couple of interviews conducted by the journalist who will be interviewing you. This will give you a sense of their style and the kinds of questions they might ask.

  • Request Questions: If possible, ask the journalist to send you a list of questions or topics they plan to cover. This will help you prepare your thoughts and responses.

  • Use Notes Wisely: Have notes on hand, but be prepared to speak without relying on them. Notes should be a safety net, not a script.

  • Dress the Part: Your appearance matters, especially on TV. 

  • Know the Logistics: Ask ahead of time if you’ll be able to get a copy of the interview, or if you’ll need to record it yourself.

  • Be Punctual: Time slots for television interviews are tight. Plan to arrive early, whether you’re heading to a studio or preparing for a virtual interview. Test your Zoom audio and internet connection well in advance to avoid last-minute issues.

  • Know the Setting: Find out if there will be other guests on set with you and what they’ll be discussing. This will help you prepare for any additional context or interactions.

  • Understand the Timeline: Even though live TV interviews might only last 2-3 minutes, producers typically expect you to be available on set or on call for about 20 minutes before you go live.

For more tips on having a successful media interview, check out our blog post on the topic.

Want to Learn More? Book a media coaching session through our Learning Center to refine your interview skills and ensure you make a strong impression.